Friday, March 24, 2023

Wine Tasting 3/24/23

Name: Vouvray

Variety: Chenin blanc

Country of origin: France

Region: Bordeaux 

Vintage Year: 2020

Price: $10

Wine Review: Bertrand : Really enjoyed this bottle; had half of it on its own and the other half with a salmon dish = both options resulted in a pleasant intake. The fig, pear and honey mixture provided a flavorful and creamy body without going overboard with tannins and acidity. Well done.

Wine Folly: I tasted light, acidic and somewhat pear and peach flavors. On page 230, the text stated that this wine could deliver tart, fresh fruit flavors. I think this describes it very well, that is exactly what I was tasting. 

My Review: I like dryer wine over acidic wine. I did enjoy this one, it had other flavors then just a kick at the end. I like how I could differentiate the peach and pear taste. Overall I would rate it a 6/10. I didn’t pair it with any food.

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