Saturday, January 28, 2023

   I grew up with my mom drinking red wine for dinner or when we were just watching a movie. I had a few glasses here and there and I liked them. So I figured I liked red wine. So when I turned 21, I bought 2 bottles of red wine. I had no idea what I was even looking for. For some reason it didn't occur to me to ask my mom for recommendations either. One of them ended up being really bad and then the other one was okay. I had no idea how to drink them properly, I'm pretty sure I put both of them in the fridge. Which I know now is not the best thing to do for red wines. 

    I went to a wine tasting festival over the summer. I went in thinking I liked red wines and didn't like white wines. When I left there I discovered that I didn't really like the deep reds as much and was more into the lighter fruitier red wines and white wines really weren't that bad. It was a great experience because I got to try a lot of wines and figure out what I liked and didn't. Since the festival I really haven't bought that many wines because I am still a little unsure of how to find the wine flavor that I liked. 

    My goal for this class is to be able to buy wine for myself and even recommend some wines to others. It would also be nice to learn what foods pair well with different wines and the best way to store wine. My biggest goal for this class is to have fun and enjoy all the wine I am about to drink.

Last Wine Tasting 4/15/23

I had tried a wine-to-go pinot grigio before for a wine and cheese but it was a different brand so I wanted to try another brand and see if ...